The DAKOTA LED Light Panel is the new innovative lighting source

backlit stone

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The DAKOTA LED Light Panel new innovative technology and design can be applied in all types of markets such as Onyx , Architecture & Design, Retail, Signage, and Display & Fixture. Our ultra-thin, DAKOTA LED Light Panels are designed to output a perfectly even, bright, edge to edge white or RGB illumination across the surface of the panel. It illuminates any translucent material to produce bright, uniform back-lit and vibrant, sustainable architectural features or illuminated graphics signage and Onyx. Our edge lit optical acrylic sheets are custom manufactured specific to the dimensions and/or shapes that your project requires ensuring the most vibrant and uniform output optimized for back-lighting your translucent material.




One Comment

  1. Priya

    That is good work LED Light Panel new innovative technology and design can be applied in all types of markets.
    Nice Post .

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